Prof. Linos participated in the meeting “The Hellenic Education in crisis: Pathogenesis and proposals for reform”

Professor Linos at the Multidisciplinary Trauma mini-Conference Feb 19, 2017
20 February 2017
Professor Linos at the 38th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Endocrine Surgeons in Orlando, FL
3 April 2017
Professor Linos at the Multidisciplinary Trauma mini-Conference Feb 19, 2017
20 February 2017
Professor Linos at the 38th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Endocrine Surgeons in Orlando, FL
3 April 2017

Prof. Linos participated as invited speaker in the meeting: “The Hellenic Education in crisis: Pathogenesis and proposals for reform”, which was organized by the Hellenic Society for Social Speculation and Intervention, on March 4th, 2017 at the Cultural Training Center “G. Krassas”, in Thessaloniki.

Professor Linos in his presentation, “The advantages of creating a private university”, discussed the difference between a state university and a private university and the benefits of Faculty evaluation. He also discussed how establishing a private medical school in Greece.

The meeting aimed at highlighting the most important weaknesses throughout all three levels of the Greek educational system, and as well as proposed some ameliorative changes.

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