Gift of life by Prof. Linos to young Reema
11 April 2013Prof Linos at the Annual Meetings SAGES 2013 and 34th AAES
23 April 2013Prof. Linos and his surgical team attended the Conference of the Greek Society of Endocrine Surgery, held on April, 6-7, in Delphi.
The Conference, which was held under the auspices of the Greek Surgical Society, included a variety of topics. In particular, issues regarding parathyroid diseases and thyroid cancer were discussed. Interesting cases were analyzed and surgical techniques were presented through video demonstration. Moreover, as a special session of the Conference, articles from recent literature and relevant announcements were, also, presented.
Prof. Linos was among the moderators of the round table on “Primary hyperparathyroidism. Issues on conservative and surgical treatment”. Moreover, he contributed, along with other distinguished scientists, to the debate on the need of establishing guidelines for thyroid surgery.
Prof. Linos’ surgical team also contributed to the Conference. Specifically, in a special session on interesting surgical cases of such diseases, Dr. Poulios presented an announcement regarding the case of a composite adrenal tumor in a patient with hypertension, was by. In another session, on retrospective studies, Dr. Kyriakopoulos, presented two announcements on “Accuracy and role of surgeon-performed ultrasound in minimally invasive open parathyroidectomy” and “Endoscopic retroperitoneal adrenalectomy in sporadic and men2a pheochromocytomas”.