ACS 94th Annual Clinical Congress

Study Published in Journal “Cancer Causes and Control”
6 October 2008
Reviews of
17 May 2009
Study Published in Journal “Cancer Causes and Control”
6 October 2008
Reviews of
17 May 2009

San Francisco, October 20, 2008
Keeping up to date with the latest medical advances, Professor D. Linos, member of the American College of Surgeons (ACS), participated in the 94th Annual Clinical Congress in San Francisco, USA. This years’ convention took place on October 12-16 and was entitled “Leading the Way to Quality, Safety, and Excellence”.

The ACS Annual Clinical Congress is considered one of the largest and most significant scientific conventions in the surgical field with renowned scientists participating in lectures, post-graduate seminars, panels, educational sessions and discussions.

Dr. Linos, as a member of the International Relations Committee of the American College of Surgeons, participated among others in the Committee’s annual meeting. In addition, as the co-chair of the American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeon (SAGES) International Liaison Group he participated in the Group’s meeting as well.
More information about the convention can be found at the following address, as well as the website of the American College of Surgeons